Tuesday 23 September 2014

Representation task

Class - Newspaper

This image from a newspaper represents the lower class during the London riots 2011. It highlights the lower class in a negative light because it shows lower class people stealing and breaking laws. These images instantly make you think that these people are bad and have no respect for other people and their belongings. The people who  publish this newspaper are only focused on creating a negative view and don't try to understand the reason behind the looter's actions.

Gender- Tv

In this clip from celebrity juice Keith Lemon starts to make sexist comments towards Emily Head. The way that Keith Lemon highlights her looks can be viewed as both positive and negative. Some people would find it offensive because they disagree that a women should be treated with sexual comments on TV. Most people would think that it is a positive view because they understand the humorous intent behind the jokes. Keith Lemon makes the makes the comments on purpose because he knows that most people find it funny and entertaining which increases his views.

Age - Film

In the disney movie Up the character Carl Fredricksen is represented as a stereo typical grumpy old man. This can be seen as a negative view and a misrepresentation of elderly people. A lot of elderly people would find this offensive. Disney have probably made the character have a grumpy attitude because mostly all other forms of media do this, so the target audience of kids would be able to instantly relate with this stereotype.

Race - Tv 

is a clip from a Tv game show called "Without Prejudice". One of the contest on the show is shown a image of a man who he has never seen or spoke to before. The contestant says his reasoning behind disliking the random man is because he is black. This negative comment is highly offensive to a lot of people because it is just obvious racism with no reason for it. The producer behind the show should have not let this clip be on the show because it is so offensive but instead the producers purposely let the clip air because they know it will start controversy and gain a lot of interest and media coverage making him them more money.

Sexuality - Tv

This Tv advert for Lynx deodorant represents sexuality in a negative way to advertise the product. The advert implies that if men use the product  then they will have a better chance of getting women to notice them.The producers behind  this have purposely done this to advertise the product to men but  some women could see this advert as a negative because the women in the advert are represented with certain body type which some women would not see as a true representation of  real life and find offensive.

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